12 Sept 2020

Relation between electricity and Magnetism

We know that when an electric current flowing though a conductor a magnetic field is brought into existence in the space surrounding the conductor. it can say that when electrons are in motion they produce magnetic field. 


when a magnetic field embracing a conductor moves relative to the conductor it produces a flow electrons in the conductor. This phenomenon whereby an e.m.f and current is induced in any conductor which cut across or cut by a magnetic flux is known as ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION.


After discovery of that electric current produces  magnetic field, scientist are trying to search for the converse phenomenon from about 1821. The problem they put themselves was - how to convert Magnetism to Electricity. It is recorded that Michael Faraday ( A English Physicist and Chemist) was in the habit of walking about with magnets in his pocket so as constantly remind him of the problem to solve.

After Nine year of continuous full phase research and experiment he succeeded in the producing electricity by converting magnetism. In 1831 he formulated basic laws underlying the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, after that these know by Faraday's Law. Motor, Generator, Transformer, Induction cooker and many other apparatus based on this law.

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