
31 Jan 2021

Class 10 Spectrum Question

  1. What is Spectrum?
  2. What is Dispersion of light ?
  3. The frequency of violet colour light is 7.5 x 10^14 Hz. Find the wave length in (i) nm (ii) A . speed of light 3 x 10^8 m/s.
  4. A beam of monochromatic light under goes minimum deviation through an equilateral prism. How does the beam pass through the prism with respect to its base? 
  5. If white light is used in the same way as in part above, what change do you expect in the emergent beam?
  6. What conclusion do you draw about the nature of white light in above part?
  7. Write two properties of UV radiation.
  8. Write two use of X ray 
  9. Write two property of Gamma ray and use.
  10. For test of Purity of Ghee which is use?
  11. What is the source of Microwave and Write two use.
  12. What is the range of visible radiation?
  13. What is Scattering of light?
  14. Why colour of cloud is White?
  15. Why colour of sky is blue?
  16. Why colour of Moon's sky is black?
  17. Why red light use as denger?
  18. Why sky at noon is white?
  19. Why at sun set and sun rise sky become red (orange)?

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